
Two’s company, three’s a crowd. Four’s too many and five’s not allowed. But wait… what about one? Well… one is the loneliest number that you’ll ever do.

Is it really? When looked upon in a sense of companionship, is it really that challenging to be companionable to one’s self? If compatibility with a second isn’t the goal, then one is far from the loneliest number.    

There is much to be said and gained in being all alone by yourself. We’ll say as little and gain as much as we can about this. One is lonely but painless. No one can hurt you but yourself when you are alone.

When one is alone there is no need for discussion on matters concerning the- who, what, where, when, why and how. The “who” is you. The “what” is whatever you decide. When, where and however you do whatever is up to you. And no one needs to know why.

One is severely underrated, and ironically the source material of many a sad love song. One is an unappreciated time of self-awareness, growth and satisfaction when in progress. Only looked upon in fond reflection once the math sets in-1+1=2.

Two’s company, so they say. But a company with just two, aside from a lemonade stand, is foredoomed to failure. Any enterprising company will eventually have to expand its numbers if it wishes to succeed in business… what… oh “company” as in companionship… Ahem, my bad.

Whether it be a childhood friend, long term bestie, lover or soulmate, two can indeed make good company for one. Under the right conditions, even a stranger may suffice as sufficient company. Candy quality pending.

Initially, the primary attraction of becoming two is that there is another one with whom to share. To experience together all the things which you discovered as ones. Which is why it is important to develop your oneness before twoness commences. So you’ll have something to bring to a table for two.    

With company, one can ride along now on a bicycle built for two. Or, compatibility pending, doubling up on a bike built for one. A bicycle is a good metaphorical analogy of two being company. It will take two working together to maintain a steady balance for a good long ride.

At this point it would be remiss not to interject that if a bicycle is built for two, ergo a unicycle would be the ride choice of one. This is notable because it takes a great deal of skill, self-reliance and balance to be a unicyclist. More so notable, when you consider the implications of the fact that one does not have to be a proficient unicyclist to be a bicyclist. Ponder on that for a moment.

Once on a bike, one can truly judge the quality of the company they keep. Decide if their two is really up to par. Or if the other one only brought ½ to the table. But even the best riders can need an assist to maintain balance at times. Possibly requiring a third wheel.

Never in any film has someone proclaimed- “Just look at that crowd!” and the camera panned to three disgruntled folks on the sidewalk. Though “three” isn’t a crowd in the literal sense, it can become a bit crowded on a bicycle built for two.

The initial company of two may invite but unknowingly (or unadmittedly for feelings sake) a not really wanted additional passenger. But sometimes, in the early stages and depending on what type of relationship it entails i.e. friendship versus romance, a 3rd wheel can be beneficial. The important thing is that the now formed crowd realizes the bike has been curbed and you are now riding a tricycle.

Despite a lesser speed and being not quite as streamlined stylish, tricycles hold some distinct advantages over their two-wheeled counter parts. With a 3rd wheel balancing becomes drastically less challenging. It also allows you to pause without falling over or putting your foot down. As long as each knows their place, and everyone takes turns pedaling, it can make for a smooth ride.

Now if balancing things out is still challenging, a fourth wheel can be added in the way of training wheels and a fifth if the load is too much to bear. Beyond that- buy a bus.

I welcome almost any questions, comments via Focus, or E-mail me at [email protected]. Hope to hear from ya, until then try and stay focused! See ya.