July 18 – July 24, 2024


ARIES (March 21- April 20)
You could come to a final decision about something that you no longer need to spend money on, especially if other expenses have recently been coming up. You could begin to see different ways of enjoying yourself. There can be a lot to think about over the next month as well as much running around. It can be a lot of fun.

TAURUS (April 21-May 20)
A sudden final decision can emerge based on what might be better to let go. Finances come under the spotlight over the next month. You could now realize what might be a better use of your money. This could include cutting back on expenses that are aligned with enjoyment rather than necessities. It is time.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20)
Mars has just moved into your sign where it will remain until 21st July while generating the start of a new 2 year personal cycle. Your energy level should lift as well as your self confidence. You can recognize what might be better let go, enabling you to put something in place that will result in balanced benefits in some way.

CANCER (June 21-July 22)
Something could become obvious when it comes to somebody else and what cannot materialize in the future. Finances are likely involved. It may make you realize that having control of your own finances is the only way to go. There can be information to gather up to mid August. Look at this as being the first stage – final decisions will come later.

LEO (July 23-August 22)
Social activity can suddenly pick up, so go ahead and enjoy yourself. There can be a lot more contact with friends over the next month, probably because of your birthday. Focus on finances will be the case to mid August. This would not be the best time to make any long term decisions. Get the details and carefully consider them.

VIRGO (August 23-Sept. 22)
Mercury, the planet of thought and communication, as well as your ruling planet, moves into your sign until 15th August for its first stay. Don’t expect to be able to finalize any discussions or decisions before September, as unforeseen changes can arise in between time. You need to seriously consider any obligations attached.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
Turn your attention to what you want in the future over the next month and away from the expectations of others. Establish priorities that you feel will generate a peaceful process in your life. Exactly how to fulfill this might need to be thought out in stages, when you have quiet time to yourself – the first one being now to mid August.

SCORPIO (Oct.  23-Nov. 21)
What others expect from you could become very changeable over the next month. You are better to take on responsibilities that you can have some control over rather than accepting what might be put your way. That way you will know where you stand. There could be a first stage of rethinking your priorities up to mid August.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
Much activity involving others can take place over the next month. There could be a dominating or adventurous streak about them. For this reason you need to think carefully about the manner in which this can impact either current personal obligations or those that may be expected of you. There is no need for final decisions just yet.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
The second Full Moon has just occurred in your sign, though this one can shine the light on something that needs to be let go, especially if it has had a drifting quality to it. Now is the time and over the next month to get on with little jobs and details that have been put to one side of late. Also to get back into exercise if you have been lazy with that.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
There could be a major turning point with somebody else, giving you a better view of what they are really all about over the next month. There can still be a degree of secretiveness where their ideas are concerned to mid August but you will be afforded the opportunity for more open discussion after that. Think about your own enjoyment.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)
The ability to get things restructured especially when it comes to home and/or family matters is possible over the next month. You could find they will now start to be more open with their ideas to mid August. This is just a first stage though, so keep this in mind. There can be more details to consider before final decisions can be made later.