Hickory – ACAP (Adult Children of Aging Parents) presents “Welcome to My World: The Challenges of Dementia Caregiving” on Friday, October 30, 1:00-3:45 EDT. The free symposium will be offered via Zoom. Teepa Snow, a world-renowned dementia expert, and educator is the program presenter. Registration is required, and space is limited. Interested persons may register at tinyurl.com/acapnow. The program is a collaborative offering of ACAPcommunity and local ACAP chapters in North Carolina (Hickory, Statesville, Winston-Salem, and Guilford County) and Pennsylvania (Centre County).
The symposium is open to anyone interested in learning more about dementia, personally or professionally, without regard to location. Attendees will gain an overview of dementia and its various forms and learn about the physiology of brain changes, recent research findings, pharmacological advances, and specific tips for interacting with and caring for a loved one or client with dementia.
Teepa Snow, a dementia-care education specialist with a background in occupational therapy, has over 30 years in clinical practice. She has worked in a variety of settings, with a variety of people, and, in addition to her full schedule of speaking nationally and internationally, she holds a faculty appointment at Duke University School of Medicine. Her presentations, highlighting physiology, psychology, pharmacology, and practical tips for a positive approach to interaction and care, combine engaging stories, real-life experiences, and compassionate humor to help attendees gain greater awareness of various forms of dementia and increase their knowledge about reasons people with brain change do what they do. Previous program participants’ testimonials include, “Teepa is a straight shooter with a common-sense philosophy that emits compassion and care for all. She ensures those with dementia have dignity and value!” and “Teepa is a genius. She is practical, honest, and direct. She is a phenomenal presenter and innovator who has no doubt improved the lives of many individuals with dementia as well as those who care for them.”
ACAPcommunity is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that provides information, resources, support, and community for adult-child caregivers as they care for their aging parents and for themselves. Although designed for adult-child caregivers, ACAP programs are open to all. For more information about ACAP chapters and programs, including monthly virtual programs and audio podcasts that address a variety of topics related to aging and family caregiving, please visit www.ACAPcommunity.org.