Hickory – Hickory Church of Christ is hosting a time of prayer and worship, followed by a cookout lunch, leading up to the coming school year, on Sunday, August 7, 2022.Back To School/College Prayer

This is the fourth annual gathering, to appeal to God for His favor on students, parents, and school/college staff and administration. The message of Psalm 121:1-2 is on the hearts of everyone, as the prayer gathering approaches, “I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth.”

Hickory Church of Christ consists of disciples of Christ striving to connect others to the power of God. The church is made of imperfect Christ followers learning to love more perfectly. Engaging weekly Sunday Bible Classes are held for infants through adults and the Sunday worship assembly and Kingdom Kids’ worship are both held at 10:30am. Personal and group Bible study and several service and fellowship opportunities are available throughout the week.

Hickory Church of Christ meets at 1218 Fairgrove Church Rd. in Hickory. The Back to School/College Prayer and Worship Assembly and Cookout is Sun. Aug. 7th – Bible Classes at 9:30am; Prayer & Worship at 10:30am; and the Cookout is at 11:45am. Register for this special time at www.tinyurl.com/schoolprayer22. To learn more about Hickory Church of Christ, visit www.hickorychurch.org, www.facebook.com/HCOC111 or email office@hickorychurch.org.