Hickory Crawdads vs Greensboro Grasshoppers
Make sure to arrive early, the first 1,000 fans will receive an outdoor-themed jersey! | Presented By James River Equipment, WHKY 1290AM & 102.3FM | First 1,000 Fans
Hiking, fishing, camping, you name it! We’re celebrating all things outdoor-related, so come dressed in your best outdoor gear.
Dinosaur Night with Ed’s Dinosaurs Live
Triceratops and velociraptors and T-rexs, oh my! Come join us as we dive into the world of dinosaurs! Ed’s Dinosaurs Live will be present with life-like dinos and on-field appearances throughout the game. | Presented By Ed’s Dinosaurs Live with Dakota & Friends
Triceratops and velociraptors and T-rexs, oh my! Come join us as we dive into the world of dinosaurs! Ed’s Dinosaurs Live will be present with life-like dinos and on-field appearances throughout the game. | Presented By Ed’s Dinosaurs Live with Dakota & Friends