JR’s Pro Rodeo Stampede
Harrison’s and Mike Johnson’s Hickory Toyota presents JR’s Pro Rodeo Stampede on Friday, April 19 & Saturday, April 20th, near Crawdads Stadium in Hickory. Gates open at 6:30pm. Rodeo starts at 8pm. Along with rodeo events there will be Kid’s Mutton Bustin’ each night (up to 50 lbs.), and Calf Riding each night (50-75 lbs.)
Advanced tickets on sale at Harrison’s. This event is Sponsored by Carolina CAT.
Adults $20
Kids Under 11: $10
Kids Under 3: Free
Featured Rodeo Events:
-Bareback -Saddle Bronc -Calf roping -Team roping -Breakaway roping -Barrel Racing -Bull riding
Pre-Rodeo events:
Enjoy Free Hot Dogs & Drinks and visit with JR, Cowboys, and Cowgirls! We will be broadcasting live on the radio.
Join us at Harrison’s Saturday, April 13th • 11am – 2pm
3428 Hickory Blvd, Hudson
Join us at Mike Johnson’s Hickory Toyota – Saturday, April 20th • 11am – 2pm
435 US Hwy 70 SE, Hickory