Valdese, NC – This longest running outdoor drama in NC tells the story of the Waldenses, a people from the area known as the Cottian Alps in Northern Italy near the French border, and the founders of the Town of Valdese. See the journey of the Waldenses unfold before your eyes in a tale of faith, courage, and triumph!
From This Day Forward celebrates its 55th anniversary season. Performaces are July 14 -August 12, Fridays and Saturdays 8:00 P.M. at the Fred B. Cranford Amphitheatre.
Act I From This Day Forward chronicles the religious persecution and steadfast faith of the Waldensian people in the Alps between France and Italy circa 1680.
Act II continues their story of faith and perseverance as they leave their homeland to move to America and establish the beautiful town of Valdese in 1893.
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