Dallas, NC – Gaston County Senior Games celebrates their 10th Year Anniversary in 2019. For many, growing older is not always something to be celebrated, but for Gaston County senior athletes, it can bring a competitive advantage.
The 10th annual Gaston County Senior Games will kick-start their games on Friday, February 8th at 10am at the Gaston County Senior Center. This is a fun event that anyone can participate in. We invite all past, current, and future participants to learn more about Senior Games and go over changes for 2019. Entry packets will be given out at the kick-off and participants will be able to interact with some of our 2019 Sponsors. We are so blessed to have the community support that we do from businesses in Gaston County. They truly believe in the year round health promotion program that is provided to our seniors.
Participants can take part in corn hole, tables tennis and chair volleyball to get a little taste of the fun and competitive nature the games bring on. We will also provide a light breakfast for everyone to enjoy.
We are trying to involve more 50 – 60 year olds by providing more evening and weekend events. I know the word “senior” may be tough for some of the younger individuals to accept; although “senior” does mean older, it also means more experienced, higher-ranking, superior, top, and chief and the list is endless. Think back at other times in your life when you thought senior was an awesome thing, senior in high school, senior in college, the most important, high-status ranking. I can assure you the senior in Senior Games is all of that! Each year I try to put a price tag on senior games and you just can’t do it. The things you get out of participating in Senior Games are priceless.
So for anyone that has never given the games a chance, come out and join us! I promise you, you will not be disappointed. You may win a few medals and have the opportunity to continue on to compete at a state and national level. Also, the friendships and relationships that you will gain out of competing will surpass any medal you could ever receive.
If you have any questions, please call Ellen Fenters at 704-922-2165.
Gaston County strives to ensure that people with disabilities have an equal opportunity to access its programs, services, and activities. If you require assistance to participate in a program, service or activity of Gaston County, we request that you contact our office at least 5 days before the event.