
When the thermo meter is registering +60° at 5:00 in the a.m. When getting into your car at midday is like crawling into an Easy-Bake Oven. Incidentally, for heat comparison- the Easy-Bake Oven had to be preheated to 375° before any easy baking could be done. And this was a kid’s toy?

When you step outside, and the heat slaps you in the face so hard you want to cry. But you know your tears would only evaporate. And besides, you don’t want to give heat the satisfaction of knowing it can hurt you that way.

The heat is oppressive, suffocating, has solidity and weight to it. The other day I saw my brother-in-law, an avid exercise enthusiast, seeming to bench press thin air. All the while, amidst the strain and sweat, bellowing – “Bring the heat!” … he didn’t achieve one rep.

What are we saying here? What are we getting at? Well, to put it simply, in layman’s terms- summer is a suck, we’re only in the opening act of it and it’s already hot as hell. Perhaps hotter- my phone won’t register the weather there. Either way a snowball doesn’t stand a chance.

At this point anyone who thinks global warming is nothing more than a political platform myth can go stand outside and argue with me about it through the window. Yeah, yeah, eventually the heat, denial and desire not to alter our petty little lives will kill us all. So there’s no point b****ing about our impending doom.

So, how do we survive till then. Short answer- lots of AC and stay indoors. Literally- don’t sweat it. Longer answer… sigh.

If you feel you must be outside for landscaping or leisure activities, plan them for early morning or late afternoon. If your work requires you to be out in the heat during the apex of the day… quit. Seriously, if you can’t take the heat then stay out of the… outside?

Goats In The ShadeBe aware of your physical limitations and reactions to the higher temperatures. Headaches, intense sweating and nausea are the easiest notable signs of overheating, so find some shade. Losing consciousness is another. So, try your best to pass out under a tree or something.

Stay hydrated. Not just water, your body is losing all sorts of stuff, and you have to replenish it or probably die. Ya know what, screw this! I don’t care! We’re all adults here. And if you don’t know when you need to aim for a tree when passing out it’s your own fault… just like global warming. Now if there are any kids reading this… honestly do kids even go or know what outside is anymore?

Let’s back up and focus on those who can’t read or fend for themselves in the hot. Those who are reliant on our care to survive the swelter. Specifically, our 4-legged companions and friends.

The Farm o’Saw houses 3 goats. The 1st a rescue resulting from Lil Red’s (that’s the spouse) big heart for critters. The 2nd because the 1st needed a friend. Then they decided they needed a friend and made the 3rd. Then everybody got “fixed” because it was getting too friendly around here.

When laying out their paddock we were hot-weather aware. Ensuring that there was enough wooded area enclosed to provide ample shade throughout the summer daze. Adequate shade is a necessity for most livestock and a must for all outdoor pets.

If your pet is confined to your yard or a pen in said yard, make sure there’s available shade. Yes, they are animals and have natural instincts to survive the heat. But if there’s nothing there for their instincts to act upon that becomes a moot point. 

Constant, clean, fresh water is also a must. Unless you teach them to work the hose, it’s up to you to fill their bowls. There’s no harm in having more than one, preferably in a shaded area.

Anything beyond those basics depends on what type of pet you have. And your connected awareness of their well-being. If you can’t tell when yours is distressed, you probably shouldn’t have them.

So, take care of your fur-babies when temperatures climb. Whether hoofed or pawed, they’re counting on you. They didn’t ask to be there and need you because you needed them.

I welcome almost questions, comments via Focus, or E-mail me at [email protected]. Hope to hear from ya, until then try and stay focused! See ya.