Hickory – The Hickory Downtown Development Association announces that the City Walk Stroll, scheduled for May 6, has been postponed. Rain is forecasted for Saturday and we want everyone to be able to enjoy our beautiful downtown.Hickory City Walk Stroll

We look forward to announcing a new date soon!

What to expect: Start your stroll at the Lowe’s City parking lot and follow the City Walk to St. Andrews Church, 629 8th St NE. Along the way, you can enjoy arts and crafts, music, pop up sales, food trucks, games, Lenoir Rhyne football players, face painting and much more!

Bring the whole family for this family friendly event!

The City Walk Stroll is hosted by Hickory Downtown Development Association, Allegra Printing and St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church and sponsored by First in Flight, April B. Hewitt Realtor/Broker, Cowa Sake, Frothy Rooster, Thayer Financial, Taste Full Beans, Girl Scouts Peaks to Piedmont, Stretch-n-Grow of the Foothills.

The Hickory Downtown Development Association (HDDA) is a private, non-profit 501(c)6, member organization with a volunteer Board of Directors representing a broad cross-section of property owners, business owners, and citizens-at-large.

HDDA is a member of the North Carolina Main Street program with the purpose of stimulating economic development and community improvement within the context of historic preservation. HDDA addresses issues in areas of physical design, promotion and events, and business development within the boundaries of the commercial downtown district.

To learn more and possibly become a member, please visit our website, DowntownHickory.com, or contact us at Info@DowntownHickory.com.