Dallas, NC – This year, we are excited to announce a new event that will combine the 47th Annual Just Plain Dog Show with a Canine Carnival. The event will be held on Saturday, May 18 in the Dallas Park Horse Arena (1303 Dallas-Cherryville Hwy) from 10 am – 1 pm and the rain date is Sunday, May 19 from 2-5 pm.

We are working closely with our friends at Gaston County Animal Care and Control and some great new things are planned. The event begins at 10 am with a Canine Carnival which includes games for you and your dogs. At 11 am, we will have parade of dogs from the Animal Shelter and each dog will be spotlighted in the hopes of finding a forever home. The Just Plain Dog Show began forty-seven years ago as a way to promote adoption at the Animal Shelter so we’re thrilled to introduce this new activity as part of the event. We’ll finish up the day with the Just Plain Dog Show competition that will begin at approximately 11:30 am or immediately after the dog parade. Children (6 years and older) and adults (18+) are invited to participate and they will be judged separately. More booths, vendors, and food options are planned for your enjoyment as well. The show has two categories with 10 different classes for your four legged friend to participate in. There is no admission or entry fee. All dogs that enter must be tagged and have a current rabies vaccination. Ribbons will be presented to the top three finishers in each class. All participants may begin checking in at 9:30am. Entry forms must be turned in by Thursday, May 16th, at 5:00 pm. You can pick up and turn in your entry forms at the Gaston County Parks and Recreation Department or Gaston County Animal Care and Enforcement or email to parksandrec@gastongov.com. For additional information please contact Gaston County Parks & Recreation at 704-922-2164 or visit the County’s website at www.gastongov.com./parksandrec.

Gaston County strives to ensure that people with disabilities have an equal opportunity to access its programs, services, and activities. If you require assistance to participate in a program, service or activity of Gaston County, we request that you contact our office at least 5 days before the event.