Hickory – This year upon the passing of lifetime member Wendell Cramer, the Hickory Kiwanis have renamed their annual tournament, The Hickory Kiwanis – Wendell Cramer Memorial Golf Tournament to memorialize Wendell Cramer for his years of service to the children of our community through Kiwanis. Century Services is our major sponsor for this year’s tournament which will be held at Lake Hickory Country Club’s Catawba Springs Golf Course on Thursday, September 19, with registration beginning at 11 am, lunch served at 11:30 – 12:30 pm followed by a shotgun start at 1 pm.

The annual tournament is a major fund raiser for the Hickory Kiwanis Club’s Sponsored Youth Programs such as Circle K at CVCC and LRU, Key Club at Hickory High and St. Stephens High Schools, Terrific Kids, Bring Up Grades (BUG), Third Grade Dictionary Program, Hickory Kiwanis Foundation College Sponsorship Program along with partnerships with many local, state, national, and international programs which serve children. The Hickory Kiwanis would like to invite any community members and businesses, which might like to join us for an afternoon of golf or be a sponsor in some way to support children, please contact us. Our golf tournament contacts: Steve Aaron at 828.446.0480 and Bill Wiggs at 828.640.4423, will be happy to help you or you may email us at [email protected].