After setting the movie world abuzz with her directorial debut, Lady Bird, Greta Gerwig’s sophomore effort has arrived. Unfortunately, she chose yet another adaptation of a book that’s been adapted too many times before and, as such, a feeling of overkill permeates the proceedings. Louisa May Alcott’s well-worn chestnut about the comings and goings of the four March sisters has been retooled in a way that attempts to find a way to say something about the times in which we currently live. Sometimes it works and other times it just feels heavy handed. The film is further hampered by an unnecessary flashback structure that’s downright confusing at times and totally unnecessary. It’s a triumph of production design to be sure and the talented cast (Saoirse Ronan, Emma Watson, Timothee Chlamet) give it their all but the end result rings a little hollow.
These movies are playing locally.
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