Newton, NC – The March meeting of the Catawba County Branch NAACP will be on Sunday, Mar. 10, at 4 p.m. at Mt. Olin AME Zion Church, 2583 Smyre Farm Rd., Newton.

“The program at the March meeting is about K-12 education,” said Jerry L. McCombs, branch president. “Dr. Aaron Gabriel, superintendent of Newton-Conover City Schools, and Dr. Matt Stover, superintendent of Catawba County Schools, will provide an overview of what is happening in the city and county schools. After remarks, they will take questions from the audience.”

Members and their guests, as well as the general public, are welcome. You can sign up for membership at the meeting.

The NAACP is the nation’s oldest and largest civil rights organization. The Catawba County Branch meets the second Sunday of each month.