Now in Theaters:
Mean Girls (** ½) The musicalized version of the overrated 2004 film is pretty much on a par with the original in terms of quality. Pleasant enough but hardly an event. Still, those with a nostalgic eye for the original will likely appreciate the tale of the new kid in town (Angourie Rice) who raises the ire of her social circle when she makes an unfortunate miscalculation.

Mean Girls
New to Disc:
Inside the Mind of Coffin Joe (1964-2008) Brazilian filmmaker Josa Mojica Marins wrote, starred and directed in this controversial, anti-establishment horror series centered around the title character, the films of which have now been issued together for the first time on Blu Ray in America. In addition to the six films, the set includes copious amounts of bonus material consisting of commentaries, video essays, new interviews and trailers.
Blood Feast (2016) The remake of H.G. Lewis’s 1960s gore feast makes its way to the 4K format this week in a new edition that’s likely to please its fans. There are a few extras as well which include a music video and featurettes.

Jane Fonda and Jon Voight in Coming Home
Coming Home (1978) Hal Ashby’s Oscar winning look at the effect of the Vietnam war on the people back home gets a Blu Ray reissue from the label this week. Also getting a Blu Ray reissue is the 1966 comedy, The Russians are Coming, The Russians are Coming, featuring Alan Arkin in one of his earliest roles. Previously issued bonus material is retained and the latter includes a new commentary.
The Devil’s Brigade (1968) William Holden is tasked with whipping a group of military recruits into commando warriors in this actioner getting a Blu Ray release this week. Extras include a commentary and trailer.
Run Silent, Run Deep (1958) The onscreen pairing of Clark Gable and Burt Lancaster is only one of the pleasures of this WWII submarine film getting a Blu Ray release and a new audio commentary as well.
Shout Factory:
Chopper (2000) The film that put director Andrew Dominick on the map, the true story of legendary criminal Mark ‘Chopper’ Read (Eric Bana), gets a Blu Ray upgrade as part of the Shout Select line of titles.
Lone Star (1996) John Sayles’ sprawling tale of murder in a small Texas border town gets the deluxe treatment in this new 4K and Blu Ray release. Extras include a new interview and filmmaker conversation.
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