Hickory – On Saturday, September 16, 2023, Friends of the Ridgeview Library will present its first area Black Authors Panel at 2:00 pm. Co-sponsored by the Hickory Branch NAACP, this event will be held at the Ridgeview Branch Library at 706 1st St SW, Hickory, NC.

The six featured authors live in or have close ties to the Hickory area. While they all identify as Black, they represent a wide assortment of interests and vocational/avocational experiences including medicine, ministry, singing, sports, teaching and volunteering. You may actually know some of them: Genita Hill, Darrell Izard, Darius Malbon, Patricia Middleton, Anita L. Roseboro-Wade and Virginia Wright.

In addition to sharing about themselves and their writings, as they serve on the panel, the authors have been invited to provide copies of their works for sale. The event will end with a meeting with the authors reception.

Friends of the Library and the NAACP see this as a wonderful opportunity to make the public aware of these local treasures. We invite young and old alike to join us in this celebration!

For additional information, call 828-345-6037 or 828-322-6663.