Valdese – Valdese Family Friday Night summer series will continue their season with the Skate Rink Jukebox beginning at 7:00pm on the field behind the Old Rock School. Bring a lawn chair and enjoy the summer nights in Downtown Valdese.

Skate Rink Jukebox provides a musical experience as unique as each of your guests. Comprised of some of Charlotte’s most versatile and talented musicians, Skate Rink Jukebox performs a wide variety of music ranging from dance R&B, rock, country, and reggae to beach and easy listening. The unique background and experience of each musician allows Skate Rink Jukebox to customize a song list sure to get you on the dance floor.

Concessions will be available and provided by the Rock School Arts Foundation, a Valdese non-profit, known for their unique art exhibits at the Old Rock School. They will also offer a 50/50 raffle. Proceeds from the concessions and raffle sales go toward providing artistic opportunities for the Valdese community. Concert attendees are encouraged to visit local restaurants in Downtown Valdese and check out the retail shops and boutiques while they are visiting.

For further information about events in Valdese and the full Family Friday Night’s Concert Schedule go to or call 828-879-2129.
Photo: Skate Rink Jukebox.