Valdese, NC – The Watercolor Society of North Carolina Inc. (WSNC) is a professional, non-profit art organization. Their purpose is to strengthen and promote watercolor throughout the state through workshops taught by nationally recognized artists, juried exhibitions, peer review and regional art exhibitions.

Membership is divided into three regions – Eastern, Central and Western. Each region is encouraged to hold an annual gallery exhibit in which members show and sell their work.

Western Region of the Watercolor Society of North Carolina is honored to be exhibiting at the Rock School Arts Foundation Gallery I & II  at the Old Rock School in Valdese, NC. Exhibition dates are June 7 – July 5.  With the opening reception taking place on Sunday, June 9 from 2-4pm. The public is invited to come and enjoy the artwork while getting to meet and speak with the artists. 20 participating artists will be exhibiting. The framed watercolor artwork is for sale at very reasonable prices. All the artworks is original and painted solely by the artist, without instruction or copy of another artist.

Artwork may also be viewed at RSAF website: from June 7 – August 2.

Purchase or information inquiries contact Sharon Bowman, Executive Director Rock School Arts Foundation at 828-838-9806 or [email protected].