Hickory – These are our children. Children in our schools, our churches, and our communities. Children that have been abused or neglected by those they love. These children need an advocate, a voice. Someone willing to walk beside them, someone to be a source of safety and stability, a constant in their lives. Could you be that someone? The handprints below represent the children that are without an advocate. The Guardian Ad Litem Program is looking for volunteers to advocate for the children in Catawba, Burke, and Caldwell Counties.
Guardian Ad Litem volunteers are community members of different backgrounds, education, gender, age, and ethnicity, but that all share the same desire to help the children in the community; no experience required. Upon completion of training, Guardian Ad Litem volunteers are appointed by the Court to represent the best interest of a child, and help that child reach permanency, whether through reunification with parents or through adoption. Next training beginning in July; this will be an all-virtual training.
To apply, visit volunteerforgal.org or call Lori Novak at our local office 828.466.6121 x5 to learn more. You can also follow and like our FB page NC Guardian Ad Litem District 25.