
A momentary flash of fur. The screech of braking tires. A light thump. A yelp.

Before she could comprehend what had happened, Dave was out of the car and racing around to see what they had hit. Illuminated in the headlights harsh glare he proclaimed- “OMG Vicky… we’ve run-down… a WEREWOLF!”

Vicky Dupree, aged 23, with a business degree from UNC, stepped around the fender to see (accidental rhyme points) what fellow former student, turned fiancé, 24-year-old David Ashcombe was on about. Thus, two young people, with bright futures, stood by the white line, on a backroad, in a backwater town, looking down at…

“It’s a Pomeranian, Dave.” she administered sympathetically. “No!” Dave retorted, “it’s a tiny werewolf… probably a baby one.” “It’s somebody’s pet.” She said glancing around, “probably belongs to that farmhouse over there. And look… it’s still breathing… poor thing.”

Gently, she lifted the small canine from the asphalt. “We should go see if it belongs there.” She turned and he followed her towards the farmhouse.

Suddenly he grabbed her arm. “Look…” Dave exclaimed pointing out a horned silhouette, “a DEMON! There are bigger ones by the barn.”

“That’s a goat and those are cows!” came an irritated sensual voice. From a voluptuous woman striding towards them, in a low-cut black mini dress. “And you are trespass… Little Willie!” she exclaimed, rushing forward. Snatching the furry burden from Vicky’s arms, she briskly hurried back towards the farmhouse.

“Nobody that seductive runs a farm,” Dave postulated, “she’s probably these demon’s high priestess… or a witch… that tiny werewolf is her familiar.” “Dave!”, Vicky scoffed, “she can hear you!” He only shrugged matter-of-factly.

Back on the road, requiring refuge for the night, they pulled into a campground. Where they were greeted by a young man covered in… blood? “Sorry folks this is a summer bible camp, we’re just here doing some painting,” he explained, “we don’t take regular guests.”

“Bible camp huh… where are the kids?”, Dave queried, “strung up and gutted in the mess hall to feed all those demons?” “What the hell, Dave?” Vicky was shocked. “Ummm its fall dude,” the camp counselor condescended, “no kids here. But if you folks need a place to stay, there’s a motor-court about a mile out.” 

Vicky thanked, apologized and drug Dave back to the car.

Minutes later, they pulled into the motel’s modest parking lot. Vicky insisted she check them in. Dave’s recent interactions with the locals had her wary.       

Once in the room Vicky offered the shower. He informed her there was no way in hell he’d get naked and into a shower in this podunk… had she ever seen psycho? So, she proceeded to the bathroom as he nervously peeped the parking lot thru curtain crack.

He was still there when she emerged 20 minutes later toweling her damp hair. He thought they should just leave and protested heavily when she popped her usual two melatonin tablets and crawled into the bed. She blinked once… twice… sleep took her.    

Come the dawn the sun’s gentle rays crawled up the motel’s coverlet and Vicky’s waking form. Accompanied by a trio of voices whose forms and conversation slowly came into focus. She tried to sit up, tried to move, then tried to scream. All fruitless as she was strapped down, bound and gagged.

“… their cars still here, so he’s got to be around someplace.” confirmed the motel’s proprietor, “besides I reckon he wouldn’t leave without her.” He nodded towards the bed.

“I’m not worried about her,” the overly attractive “farmgirl” scolded, flipping her thick blond hair. “This… Dave is the problem. He saw everything at a glance, knew everything without question… how?”

“Try not to worry your highness,” replied the camp counselor reassuringly, “assure those of the cloven hoof we will find him, and find out. For now, you take Lil’ Willie there back to the farm. We’ll have this one here (a nod towards Vicky) prepped and ready for the sacrifice tonight.”

With an exhalation of frustration, the woman turned, and Vicky saw she held an infant in her arms. In exit, the woman gave Vicky no notice, but the baby… looking upon her his little lips parted into a smile, filled with sharp canine teeth and a hungry look in his eyes.

I welcome almost all questions and comments via Focus, or E-mail me at [email protected]. Hope to hear from ya, until then try and stay focused! See ya.