chainsaw_header“Some people call me the space cowboy. Some call me the gangster of love. Some people call me Maurice! ‘Cause I speak of the pompatus of love. People talk about me baby say I’m doin’ you wrong, doin’ you wrong. Well, don’t you worry, baby, don’t worry. ‘Cause I’m right here, right here, right here, right here at home. ‘Cause I’m a picker! I’m a grinner! I’m a lover and I’m a sinner. I play my music in the sun. I’m a joker. I’m a smoker. I’m a midnight toker. I get my lovin’ on the run. Ooh, whoo, ooh, whoo!” Lyrics excerpted from “The Joker” by the Steve Miller band circa 1973.

Speaking of the joker… let’s speak about the Joker. Yes, Batman’s arch nemesis, that clown prince of crime. Not that he’s the main topic of our discussion, but rather provides a doorway and accompanying soundtrack to it.

In my youth when we played Super Friends, a.k.a. Justice League, though some poor sap would end up saddled as Aquaman, nobody wanted to be the villain. Nobody wanted to be the Joker. If you got stuck playing the Joker, it was either because you wanted to- because you were weird or the other kids didn’t like you very much. My how times have changed.

Now the villains have stepped into the spotlight with their tragic backstories and contagious insanity. Most notably in recent years the Bat’s arch nemesis has risen to the height of popularity and impersonation. And generations who claimed coulrophobia, when it was trending to do so, have put their fear of clowns aside to get in on the joke.

But the Joker’s not a clown! Really? He’s based and named from the joker card from deck. Which pictures a court jester. Which is a medieval clown. (That and actor Conrad Veidt as Gwyn Plaine in “The Man Who Laughs” circa 1928). So, he’s a clown… so is Harley Quinn… so get over it.

All joking aside, why do most, when given the DC choice, choose the Joker? When it comes to delusional personal association, impersonation or cosplay the jokes on them. Why not the Riddler or Penguin or Catwoman? Too nerdy, too pudgy, too… me-yow my gawd yummy! Or why not the Batman himself?

HenchforthRelatability or costuming cost? Cause let’s be honest, you’ll be out several hundred to put together a presentable Bat get-up. Whereas some hair dye, face paint and a trip to Goodwill can get you in on the joke.

But at comic-cons, movie openings and anywhere else cosplay is the fashion, there are plenty of Batmen, Jokers, Harley Quins, Deadpools and Wolverines. Everybody laying personal relation claims to costuming based on current popularity. All the while assuming individuality and originality in the crowd.   

Why is it no one ever (or rarely) portrays lesser-known characters. No, why is it no one ever, never takes the guise of the undefined unknown? That universal character that spans all comic book universes. As well as almost every movie genre. Why does no one ever take up the mantle of henchmen?

What? Who the hell is the Henchman? Not hench “man”- hench “men” plural. Henchmen are the villain’s subordinate goons. The soulless masses the hero will fight through to get to the main event. They are, in reality, the crowd that you’re part of you think you’re apart from. They may seem insignificant more-or-less background action, but try to picture any superhero or action flick without em.

How do you be a henchman? Well, the costumization (original word whoot whoot) is easy. You can wear anything. Dress in black, body armor, mechanics jumper, as long as it’s generic. Oh, and carry a nondescript weapon you have no idea how to use.

Qualifications for henchmening are as follows- No shooting, fighting or observation of the obvious skills. Have to be willing to take your turn, standby stupidly and watch as your fellow henchmen are taken out one-by-one. Lastly, you need someone in more trendy costuming to hench on. Then just follow them around.

So, you’re saying I can’t be the star of the show? No, I’m saying without you there’d be no show. Sometimes originality isn’t determined by standing out but by standing back. Besides, people tend to be more curious about who and what you are when you’re nobody.

I welcome almost all questions, comments via through the Focus, or E-mail me at  [email protected]. Hope to hear from ya, until then try and stay focused! See ya.