chainsaw_header“But it’s just a sweet, sweet fantasy, baby. When I close my eyes, you come and take me. On and on and on. It’s so deep in my daydreams but it’s just a sweet, sweet fantasy, baby.” Lyrics painfully and unwillfully excerpted (not a big fan) from Mariah Carey’s 1995 pop hit “Fantasy”.

Apologies extended to fans of Miss Carey because I am not one. More importantly, further extension of apologies to regular readers. Those who know that’s a hell of a lot- somewhat, off kilter to the usual vibe around these here parts. However, in this instance it serves function. As a splendiferous metaphor for life in general. A sweet, sweet fantasy, because that’s all it is and there’s really nothing sweet or fantastic about it.     

Let’s get serious for a moment. Not exactly sure when we diverted away from serious, but let’s get seriouser. And pay a visit to that place that no one really wants to go. That little piece of hell on earth we like to think of (“think” because we can prove or disprove its existence) as reality.

Sensitive readers who contract emotional damage and suffer feelings injuries from written words may want to skip ahead. Viewer discretion is advised.   

You will never be pretty. Not in the traditional sense nor in the eyes of the world. Boys can be pretty too but- “equality” you have never been nor will ever be handsome. No matter what your mother tells you. This is not to say you are ugly, but your looks are considerably below average.

You will never be popular. Unless you lie to yourself and are a legend in your own mind. In truth, not that many people like you. Those who do don’t like you very much and lie about how much they do.

You will never be successful. This is not to say you’re a failure… which you are. Just that you will never succeed on purpose. As we all know- accidental success doesn’t count for much.

You will never be cool- unless you live in a freezer. You will never be rich- but you can and will die trying. You will never be famous- not even for 15 minutes. You will never find true love, just multiple divorce hearings. You will never know true happiness, just false hope. You will never fulfill your hopes and dreams because they are hopeless dreams. You will never achieve your life’s goals because, as aforementioned, you will never succeed in anything.

OMG! This just seems cruel. How could you allow anyone to debase you in this way? Why don’t you stand up for yourself? Oh… right, in the past few paragraphs we’ve already established that you are a loser (take the “L”). And you will never argue or deny it because it’s way too obvious to everyone… including yourself.

I’m not pointing a finger here-that only aims 3 rightfully back at myself. And there’s no denying I’m right there with you as always… I’m ugly and my mother dresses me funny, too.

When people believe negative things about us it can be rather disheartening. When they point them out or voice their opinions on us, it makes matters worse. Where other’s opinions are concerned, always bear that old adage in mind- opinions are like a-holes and the world is full of them.

At times it may seem you are surrounded by a-holes (“Keep firing a-holes!”- Rick Moranis; Spaceballs). You yourself may unknowingly be an a-hole on occasion. You could be an a-hole right now! But who am I to judge?

What to realize and remember is that an actual “a-hole” is just that- a hole. Yes, it emits foul odors and spouts feces at times (like some people) but it’s just a hole… empty space… nothing. Exactly what opinions are.

The status quo of society is based on human defined standards. There is no prior preset precedence. Nothing to base it on since the beginning of time, other than what people think or have thought… in other words opinions.

Like it or not you are part of this human society, so your opinion holds just as much value as another. Ergo you will never be anything, positive or negative, until YOU think you are. Just try not to be an a-hole.

I welcome almost all questions, comments via Focus, or E-mail me at [email protected]. Hope to hear from ya, until then try and stay focused! See ya.