Hickory – Are you colorblind? Do you reside in any in either Alexander, Burke, Caldwell, or Catawba County? Would you like an opportunity to receive a pair of glasses made by EnChroma?

The Long View Lions Club announces limited number of adult give-away glasses from EnChroma provided your meeting the following requirements: 1) You must not wear prescription glasses for other vision issues reading and driving. The use of contact lenses is acceptable as the EnChroma glasses can be worn simultaneously with contact lenses and not impede on other vision needs. 2) Verify that your color blind by taking EnChroma’s colorblindness test and e-mail the results to us at [email protected]. The colorblind test can be found at this link: #Online Color Blind Text Test for Color Vision Deficiency (enchroma.com) 3) We request that you take a video and post your reaction on trying the glasses for the first time on your special media channels and tagging the Long View Lions Club and EnChroma.

The glasses given away are adult size. Please e-mail us your contact information ( full name, address, telephone, and e-mail address address) and entry information (verification of your colorblindness) by December 5, 2023. Please specify if you would prefer glasses for use inside or outside. The selective entries will be contacted.

According to the National Eye Institute, color blindness is a condition that affects the way people see colors. It is also known as color vision deficiency. Most of the time, color vision deficiency makes it hard to tell the difference between certain colors. Ninety- nine percent of all colorblind people are suffering from red-green blindness. Another type makes blue and yellow look the same. In rare cases, people have complete color vision deficiency, which means they don’t see color at all.

In the United States, about 7 percent of the male population or about 10.5 million men and 0.4 percent of the female population either cannot distinguish red from green or see red and green differently from how others do. More than 95 percent of all variations in human color vision involves red and green receptors in male eyes. It is very rare for males or females to be “blind” to the blue end of the spectrum. To put these percentages into perspectives — there are close to 300 million people who are colorblind and struggle every day.