chainsaw_header“So, Jesus said to the Jews (who had believed him to be the Messiah)- “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”, (Bible – English Standard Version, John 8:31-32).

Some say that this statement means that knowing the truth of Jesus’s messiah-ness can free people from sin, condemnation, and death. Others believe that it means that obedience to God is the only way to experience true liberation, or spiritual freedom from sin. And a few think this is just Jesus’s way of saying- “I yam what I am… so believe that I yam- the great I yam.” Holy Popeye Christ?

Despite its Biblical origins, now-a-days when one hears the phrase (involuntary rhyme scheme points) – “the truth will set you free,” there’s rarely a religious reference in mind. Rather it is the thought of unleashing a burden of honesty by simply telling the truth. That you’ve told what you believe to be so, and in doing so have put it out of you and into the world or single recipient.

Flip-flopped, if you’re the one that’s truthed to, it gives you knowledge or the satisfaction of just knowing. Whether negative or positive, knowing what you may have assumed and worried over can ease your mind and guide your soul. When truth comes in the form of creative criticism it can be looked at as a helpful guide to self-improvement or signpost on the road to denial.

Be wary- The truth hurts (no biblical reference here- just a basic fact of life). Sometimes we desire the truth only to find out that once it’s been told we wish we’d never known it. Or asked for it. Perhaps before seeking truth, we should consider the receptive repercussions of open honesty. Likewise, in the telling of truths we must be responsible with our forbidden knowledge and decide if lying might be the better, less damaging option. “Does this dress/shirt make me look fat?” (Equality)

In all honesty sometimes- “You can’t handle the truth!”- ad-libbed and shouted by Jack Nicholson as Colonel Nathan Jessup in the film ‘A Few Good Men’ circa 1992- not found in the King James version. The truth is sometimes too much. Often the truth is met with denial, argument and downright violence. Honesty should always be the best policy, but sometimes it isn’t… audience pending.

So… in conclusion the truth will set you free but might hurt if you can’t handle it! Are you free? Does it hurt? Can you handle painful freedom? Let’s find out.

On the political front we have one side who wants to pick up where they left off. And the other making promises they already have the authority to keep. In truth are you enjoying the puppet show? Or are you too distracted by the show to see whose hand is up who’s arse?

Truth Of The MattersThe truth is- there is no such thing as a truly flushable wipe.

Biblically speaking, when you consummate you are married. The truth that there was no reverend, minister or priest in the O.G. “Garden” may have escaped you.

If you have to ask someone if they think you are smart, the truth is you probably aren’t. Because you weren’t enough to figure it out for yourself. And had to ask for help in a subject you should be readily familiar with- yourself.

Puppies turn into dogs and kittens turn into cats. The sad truth is some people don’t realize this when they adopt.

Along that line, babies eventually turn into teenagers. The truth is- you have been forewarned.

There is a level of hell where people who can’t read with feeling, emotion or proper punctuation pronunciation, record audio books. The 2nd truth is they will have the only posted full recording of your favorite book on YouTube.

Only God can judge you? The truth is any and every one can, and they often do. You just can’t handle the truth… or can you? 

Judgement is a matter of opinion unless based on fact. At which point it becomes truth. So, to reiterate our aforementioned conclusion. The truth might hurt but can set you free if you can handle it, and if you can’t… you are only lying to yourself.

I welcome almost all questions, comments via Focus, or E-mail me at [email protected]. Hope to hear from ya, until then try and stay focused! See ya.