Hickory – The Catawba Valley Cloverleafs Square Dance Club is now welcoming new dancers, both experienced and all who want to learn. Weekly workshops are Mondays, 6:30-8:00 p.m. at St. Luke’s United Methodist Church’s youth building, 52 16th Ave NW Hickory, NC.
Join us at an open house, January 13, 2025, and take a free mini-lesson. If you like it, we welcome you to sign up for 12 weeks of lessons, beginning January 20, at a cost of $60/person.
Teacher and caller Ron Kapnick has over 30 years’ experience and will have you dancing the first lesson. Once you’ve completed the 12-week session, you will be able to dance with any mainstream square dance group in the U.S. and even internationally.
No partner is needed. There’s no dress code but do wear comfortable shoes and bring your own water. Catawba Valley Cloverleafs are committed to including youth, ages 12 and up, and to rebuilding square dancing in the Catawba Valley.
For more information, call Tonya Brannan at 828-312-5849. Also, check us out on Facebook at “Catawba Valley Cloverleafs Square Dancing.”